Saturday, December 09, 2006

holidays and plans for the new year.

Attended the Parade locally, it was chilly and only emphasized to me my need to improve my knitting skills so I can make more warm things for my family. I came home and began spinning up some of my bets corriedale and right this minute as cold as my toes are Im thinking... socks.

on a more reliable note, especially considering that Im like a remedial knitter, I will be working on the 3rd part for my planned class for SAFF . It will be the third forest animal in that It will be a wild rabbit also on a stump. After completing that , I will begin sculpting the animal I hope to carry to MDS&W to compete there in needlefelting. IF I still qualify. I will need to read all of the rules and guidelines for it before I decide something like that.

Im trying to get several things completed around the farm before we begin lambing and kidding. things that will help me seperate the billy and rams farther from the ewes.
we will be looking into a new ram this spring to add to our flock of super fine corriedale sheep. We also hope to locate a cashmere billy that wont be too far out of our way or too expensive .

I will be ordering matilda coats for more of the flock this year, it should help increase the quality as well as quantity of wool my sheep produce and make sure it is nice and white.
I will post more photos from around the farm after the Christmas holidays end.
but until then happy holidays to everyone